Donate and help us save even more lives!

New Collar Collective’s impact highly dependent on donations of all sizes.

Monetary contributions, no matter the size, are all 100% directed to the rescue.

Costs incurred can include, but are not limited to:

  • vetting: routine, preventative, emergency, and special needs,

  • food: including prescription food where required,

  • behavioral training,

  • supplies: crates, leashes, collars, toys, enrichment activities,

  • and, general operating expenses.

We cannot do the things that we do without donors like you!


Please note that New Collar Collective is a registered not-for-profit, but not yet a charity, which means we are unable to issue tax receipts at this time.

E-transfer donations are always accepted

This allows us to bypass third-party processing fees and ensures that 100% of your donation is going to us.


Make sure to include “donation” in the memo/description for our record keeping.
Please note that by donating via e-transfer, you consent to being contacted by New Collar Collective about your donation.

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late”

— Ralph Waldo Emmerson